Claudia Holzinger
As a teller of new pictorial stories, I create installations in which photography acts as the main narrative.
My body is my projection surface and my projector in equal measure.
Through utter self-reflection, my practice engages with body politics, role concepts,fan culture, moral hygiene and established power structures using costume comedy, pathos and humor.
In staging my characters, I search and center the absurd, the awkward, the explicit and tragic-comical narratives.
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2016 Diploma, Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg
2014 Photography, Juergen Teller, Academy Of Fine Arts Nuremberg
2013 Graphic Design, Prof. Oliver Kartak, University of Applied Arts Vienna
2010 Visual Communication (Felten / Girst), Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg
2009 - 2010 Silke Deidl Images, Munich
2006 - 2009 TV-editor, Constantin Entertainment GmbH, Munich
since 2022 Univ.-Assistant, Applied Photography and time-based media
(Prof. Maria Ziegelböck) at the University of Applied Arts Vienna
2023 Popps Packing Studio Residency, Detroit, USA
USA-Stipend of the State of Bavaria 2023, GER
2022 Stipend Foundation Kunstfonds, Bonn, GER
2021 Project grant, City of Nuremberg, GER
Project grant, City of Erlangen, GER
Project grant, Culture Foundation Erlangen, GER
Bayern Innovativ Stipend, GER
2020 Exhibition Stipend, Tokonoma e.V., Kassel, GER
SYLA Residency, Lothringer 13 Florida, Munich, GER
Baldreit Stipend of the city of Baden-Baden, 2019, GER
2018 Petrohradská kolektiv AIR, Prague, 2018, CZ
Studio Grant Nuremberg 2021 /#20 /#19 /#18, GER
2013 Erasmus + Stipend, 2013, GER
2024 Jury Prize of Dr. Rudolf Zorn Foundation for KunstNacht
Kempten with HOLZINGERurbat
2020 Nomination C/O Berlin Talent Award, Berlin, GER
2019 German Photobook Award, silver, GER
Make Art not Fear Film Festival, Porto, PRT
2018 Bavarian Award for the Advancement of the Arts, GER
Nomination for German Design Award Newcomer 2019
2024 SCHLEPPLIFT, 1zwei3, Vienna, AT
2022 Gletscher, Tokonoma e.V., Kassel, GER
Today is tomorrow‘s yesterday, Sternschuppen, Berlin, GER
2020 I never wanted to be a sexsymbol, school, Vienna, AT
2016 Pfffft....!, Edel Extra e.V., Nuremberg, GER
2015 30 - Eine Ausstellung, Edel Extra e.V., Nuremberg,GER
2014 MAMA, Kunstverein Edel Extra e.V., Nuremberg, GER
2024 HOLZINGERurbat, Zukunftslabor @KunstNacht Kempten, Kempten, GER
2023 Gathering of Myths and Muses/w HOLZINGERurbat, Galerie Klatovy Klenová, CZ
2018 HOLZINGERurbat: Start Down, Galerie 207, Prague, CZ
HOLZINGERurbat: The official David Hasselhoff Fancruise, 1,2,3 Galerie, Prague
2017 Luther mi amor / w Lara Sielmann, Edel Extra e.V., Nuremberg, GER
Life is live / w David Häuser, Die Weinerei, Nuremberg, GER
2025 16. RISCHART-Projekt: MISCHEN!, Max Rischart's Backhaus, München, GER
artini, Karlsruhe, GER
2024 Parallel Vienna, Otto-Wagner Areal, Vienna, AT
Anti / Körper, Fotohof, Salzburg, AT
Why look at humans?, Domagk Ateliers, Munich, GER
2023 Magic Landscapes without Consequences, CIRCOLO, St. Ulrich, IT
als wäre ich du, Basis Projektraum, Frankfurt/Main, GER
2022 Archiv der Süddeutschen Staatskunst, KREISGalerie, Nuremberg, GER
Hoch-Zeit, Projektraum 145, Berlin, GER
Pipsiwau, KREISgalerie, Nuremberg, GER
2021 - Mom, I am a rich man,
Bei Langeweile öfter mal das ABC aufsagen, Galerie Krobath, Vienna, AT
Now we have the salad, Galerie Ladøns, Hamburg, GER
Proximity, Kulturhauptstadtbewerbungsbüro, Nuremberg, GER
Auf der Laube, Studio Huette, Berlin, GER
kompakt - Preis der Darmstädter Sezession 2020, Designhaus Darmstadt, GER
2019 beauty / ?, K.L.8, Brussels, BEL
Regionale‘20, Kunsthaus L6, Freiburg, GER
Schönheitsuniversum, galaxieoffgalerie, Nuremberg, GER
Eine fremde und seltsame Welt, z-bau, Nuremberg, GER
Club Tropicana, Edel Extra e.V., Nuremberg, GER
2015 You‘re just too good to be true, Contemporary Fine Arts, Berlin, GER
2014 Was ist ästhetisch?, Edel Extra e.V., Nuremberg, GER
We‘ve got the Look - Juergen Teller and his Students, Akademie Galerie auf
AEG, Nuremberg, GER
Straßenkreuzer Magazin #30, 2023, GER - Mind over Matter, 2022, GER
AVISO Magazin, 02/2022, GER
ISIT Magazine #002, 2021, IT
RUINIERT EUCH!, starfruit publications, 2021, GER - The Body Issue , 2020, GER
GUT Magazine, Issue 5, 2019, UK
MAMA Magazine, 2019, GER
VOGUE Magazine, 2019, IT
Elephant Magazine, 2019, UK
Der Greif, 2018, GER
Coeval Magazine, 2018, USA
PARCO Campaign 2016/2017, JPN
Salamé Magazine, LBN
System Magazine, Issue 8, UK
System Magazine, Issue 3, UK
Gute Laune mit Claudia Holzinger
BNN 2020
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